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Three Simple Ways To Combat Dehydration

Dehydration can lead to a range of unpleasant symptoms, from a lack of energy to feelings of dizziness, and can actually be dangerous. It is also easy to become dehydrated if you aren't in the habit of drinking enough. This short guide gives you three simple tips to help you avoid dehydration.

Find Out How Much You Should Be Drinking

It can be difficult to know exactly how much to drink, though many sources say that you should drink around eight glasses of water a day. However, not only can this be difficult to keep track of if you're out of the house or if your glasses are different sizes, it is a very blunt estimate. As WebMD explains, the amount you should drink depends on your body weight, the climate and temperature where you live, and how much exercise you do. They do suggest you should drink between 0.5 and 1 ounces of liquid per pound that you weigh. If you have trouble visualising how much water that is, try carrying around water bottles that hold very specific amounts of water, for example, 1.5-litre water bottles, to drink during the workday.

Choose Your Drinks Wisely

All liquids and some foods can help to prevent dehydration, but some drinks are more hydrating than others. Taste Of Home suggests some drinks that are very hydrating, explaining that you should fill your bottle with plain water, milk, or fruit juice. They also explain that if drinking water is boring or difficult, you can add slices of fruit to your water rather than drinking fizzy drinks. Alcohol and fizzy drinks can be dehydrating, so make sure that if you drink them, you're drinking extra water to make up for it.

Stay Hydrated On The Go

It's easy to keep sipping on drinks at home, but it's harder to stave off dehydration on the go. The best (and cheapest) way to avoid dehydration while out is to take a water bottle wherever you go. Think carefully about how long you'll be out, and take a water bottle that suits the occasion. If you're going for a short walk, a 350ML water bottle will slip easily into your pocket and stop you from getting too hot during your exercise. If you're going to work, a bigger bottle will help you keep track of how much you're drinking. As a general rule, if you feel thirsty while out of the house, you should stop and have a drink.

By figuring out exactly how much you should drink, carrying water bottles wherever you go, and choosing drinks that will keep you healthy and hydrated, you can easily avoid dehydration.
